Thursday 22 November 2012

The Final Countdown! - NaNo Update, Day 22

Word Count: 47,172
Page Count: 104
Plot Progression: Something wicked this way comes . . .

Wow. I've come a long way since the lethargy of my last update. A bit of plot tweaking, the unexpected early appearance of a secondary character, and an incident in the cellar that gave my narrator heart palpitations have really kicked the plot into a new gear.

I'm hoping to hit the Big 50 some time tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be abandoning the story as quickly as I supposed I would last week. New developments are coming in from all sides, and I'm starting to think the climax could be bigger and better (if slightly different) to anything I expected before.

The narrative style is starting to calm down nicely, and I've finally nudged my narrator into a position where the main part of the "chase" segment of the story can take place, as well as all the development and revelations that will result in for everyone else. For all the story's wonky, I'm very proud of these characters; they were more complex than many of my past ones before I even started, but just working with them has brought out whole new dynamics I never knew about before.

I seriously need to work on accents, though. I can't work out whose is whose. That, or they've all suddenly developed a huge talent for ventriloquism.

Never mind. I'll work it out once I'm done with the lynch mobs, large-scale conspiracies and my narrator trying to declassify the Art of Talking To People.

~ Charley R


  1. Yay! You're almost there!! And sounds like it's coming together in a terrific way. Will we get snippets sometime? Pleeeease??

    1. Hmmmm . . . mebbe. I'm thinking of the thing as a publishable prospect after some extensive hacking and slashing, so I'm wary of posting excerpts . . . but I'm sure a few small ones from first drafts wouldn't hurt. Mebbe ;)

  2. I'm glad it's finally slotting into place :D

    1. Indeediedood . . . feels so weird typing this as I'm sitting right opposite you :P

  3. Hurray! Congratulations! I hope it continues to go well.

  4. *giggles* I suspected as much when I checked on your word count earlier.

    Still Sympathy and huggles from all of us in tabithia over to Laddie - espaically from Lori, whose also in well over her head... Though she's having a bit of fun learning the spells from Ara's book *grins*

    1. Ehehehe, no spells to help here! Just a lot of presumption, a very nasty cousin, and . . . well, Rembrandt. Who is inexplicable other than just being Rembrandt.

      This is more fun than I thought it would be xD
